I can't seem to write on a regular basis. I could make plenty of excuses, but the main reason for my lack of writing is laziness. Which is ok. When you have two kids under the age of three, one being potty trained and in preschool (homeschool style) and the other that is just so darn cute all I do is want to make him giggle all day, then by the time they are both asleep I just want to do nothing. I take that back I do watch my shows (project runway ya!).
I'll admit this as well, I started playing some warrior game with my husband on our ipads to have some bonding time, I passed him in levels because I'm awesome so now I have to wait for him to catch up ;).
My son is asleep and my daughter is painting with watercolors. Better yet, painting herself with water colors. She is beautiful.
I would include some photos but stuff is not working at the moment.
Too bad for you.
I'm at a creative block with my scrapbooking (for the past 3 years). Nope, that is a lie also. I have plenty of inspiration from other blogs. My desk is just a mess.
It is kinda raining out. What's kinda raining you ask? It is cloudy and rained last night, only when I step outside does it start to rain again and hit me in the face.
I guess I'll be drying my diapers under the porch covering thing today.
My daughters hands are now black because she has so much water color on them :)
Bath time. Nope I'll just give her more paper to hopefully paint on.
This was fun.
I would love to hear what you have been up to. Has any rain been hitting you in the face?
I'll write again soon.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Project Life
I'm finally caught up on my pictures I printed out for Project Life! Those are just the one's I had printed for that album! I need to get more printed to get caught up on the current. Project Life is so versatile I love it! Many use it to document every week, some every month and some when ever they have pictures to put in. I fall into the category of when I have pictures to put in. I love taking pictures, but I never seem to have my phone let alone camera around. I need to get better at that! I started the photo's in my Project Life album after my daughter turned a year old (back in Aug.). The photo's taken before Aug. will be traditionally scrapbooked. Here is a glimpse of a few pages I have so far.
Yes, this is clear back from Halloween. I told you I was behind!
Those are from Christmas
I'm having a bit of trouble with my 20 month old wanting to peel the stickers off and wear them! lol.
This is as current as it gets! These were from the beginning of March. Not bad when I'm YEARS behind!
So far I'm was able to get caught up Aug. 2011 - March 2012 by using Project Life!
The reason I'm doing traditional scrapbooking for my pictures prior to Aug. 2011 is because it would be my daughter's 1st year album, my wedding album and some random pictures in between that have already started being traditionally scrapbooked.
My memory keeping to do list:
1.Begin traditionally scrapbooking my daughter's first year (thats the big pile)
2.Start on my son's first year album (the small pile) which only consists of his first few days :)
3. Print current photos and Project Life them.
For more information on Project Life go to http://www.beckyhiggins.com/products/
I'm also linking up at The Mom Creative for Project Life Tuesday. Visit there to find more bloggers doing Project Life! What are your favorite ways to keep memories? I'm currently obsessed with Instagram. 99.9% of my pictures are edited with it. I'll share more of my favorite phone photo editing apps soon!
I added a few new buttons to my blog. They are over on the right; you can join me on Pintrest, Google+, Twitter, Instagram or Email me!
Have a great week everyone!
Your Pal,
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I just noticed I have not written anything at all over the winter months. Well, if you want to call it winter at all.
First things first, I gave birth to this handsome fellow a couple of weeks ago
I could stare at him all day...
Birth went so smoothly with him. I started to have contractions when I woke up that morning around 7:30, which I thought were just Braxton Hicks. According to my 'timeing' calculations I wasn't due until the end of March, I was off. They began to get worse throughout the morning, so I drank a ton of water and got into a position to relax my body and mind. Then my husband decided we should call the midwife just to have her look at me (we really did not think he was coming that day at all!). That was around 9:30. We arrived at the birthing center at 10:30 she took a look at me and told us I was dilated to a nine! And was going to have the baby! I started to feel the need to push a little after 11 and our amazingly handsome son was born at 11:28. We were homeward bound about four hours later where I was able to rest in my own bed (and recliner).
Right after having him (he didn't come out with a bonnet)
Yes, using a midwife at the birthing center restricted me from using an epidural, my choice, yes. I don't regret it one bit. That was the most amazing experience ever. Along side the birth of my daughter in which I did have an epidural. Both births were so different and yet so amazing. If we have another, I think I will do without the epidural. Plus, they say that each baby comes faster than the last. My daughter was here within 2 hours of pushing, my son within 28 min of pushing, not sure we will make it out the door of our house if I have another. Ha!
Too much information?
Over the past few months I have had a few great goals of getting caught up on my scrapbooking before he was born. ALOT of scrapbooking.
I was very successful at getting nothing done.
This week I was feeling rather ambitious and decided that I'm going to start and finish my daughter's first year scrapbook. Start my son's first year scrapbook and begin a scrapbook for our everyday pictures as well. Shutterfly.com had free shipping if you ordered $30 or more so I took advantage of it. I ordered 350+ pictures, that should get me caught up on what I want.
I am super excited about the new materials I'm going to use for everyday pictures. Has anyone heard of Project Life by Becky Higgins? Well, I have been following The Mom Creative for some time now and just about every Tues. she post a Project Life page or pages she has completed. Here is a sample of one of her pages
You can find close ups of this layout on THIS POST.
Project Life is meant for quick scrapbooking. Not having to create massive page layouts (which I'm still doing for my kiddo's first year books). But, instead you can create multiple miniature layouts like this one
Found over at MIRIAM'S BLOG which has some beautiful layouts,
whom I just discovered today via the PROJECT LIFE LINK UP
in which I hope to be joining in a couple of weeks.
Click on some of the links I posted and check out more on Project Life, if you are interested in a bit of a quicker and easier way to scrap your photos. I get my kit on Thurs. and hopefully my pictures will be here some time next week! What have you scrapped recently?
Spring is officially here! Im assuming anyway since we had to Spring our clocks forward. Our garden is almost tilled up. We have to sharpen the blades and then we will be able to till the rest up. I can't wait to see what prospers this year! I haven't had much luck with big gardens (because I didn't have time to take care of them; now that I'm home, I'll be able to tend to this one everyday. And of course take lots of pictures of my kiddos helping me!
Have a great week!
Your pal,
PS I'm going to try and update on a regular basis, sorry for slacking
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